First image – Anyone who has seen my work in the past knows that I love images that have a painterly quality, and so I’m really happy how the first portrait has turned out. Nicole looks stunning in gold, but I like this pic as much for the background as I do for its subject.
It was taken on another excellent LPS workshop at Crossness Pumping Station in Themesmede, the brick and ironworks barely illuminated by some pale Autumn light spilling from a grimy window. I feel it adds a real sense of mystery (almost gothic) and seems to hint at a deeper story (in a castle, maybe?).
Second image – This time with the amazing Laura Harwood.
I wanted to try and take a shot that did justice to the station’s amazing Victorian interior. However, to do so would involve me stepping away from the windows (and my comfort zone) and setting up in the heart of the building where little natural light can penetrate.
This image then, is attempting to balance ambient background light with a Profoto B1X flash for Laura. It’s not something I do very often, but I can kind of manage it when required.
If anyone is interested… f/2.8 1/160 ISO 1000 @85mm (Nikon D850). Profoto B1X on 2.0 fired through a diffuser umbrella.
Third image – Back at the window again for this image of Nicole in black. I’m using a touch of flash to lift the shadows a little on her left side furthest from the window. Could also have used a reflector, I guess.